This Life Fossil
This Life Fossil

This Life Fossil is Endangered Though Older than Dinosaurs,Trimming is the best evolution of all time, because this animal has been around since 450 million

Years ago, before the rise of the dinosaurs, which had gone through five mass extinctions.
Trimming is also very useful for humans, each year 500,000 blood of these animals are used for trials of bacterial contamination of various products such as contact lenses until the vaccine. Not only that the community also take advantage for bait or food. But, now this fossil is almost endangered. Last year, Atlantis spotted a red list of vulnerable extinctions at the International Union for their Conservation oh Nature.
Why extinct?Causes of extinction occur coastal reclamation and rising sea levels due to climate change, thus eliminating the habitat of pruning to breed. Not only that, the uncontrolled harvesting of crops makes the world's shrinking population shrink.
To deal with this problem Cornell University and NYC Audobon work together to patrol the New York beaches to record live spiders.
Why protect a cage?Trimming is the most important animal, not many people are. Knowing if these animals are older than dinosaurs, but they are real and still around us. For that we should not be a contributing factor to the extinction of the evolutionary winnerIn the next 450 million years.
