10 Alien Planet similar to Earth Found

10 Alien Planet similar to Earth Found ,growing period from time to time the Earth has experienced many changes and damage. Some people even think that if the Earth could not be inhabitedforever by humans. Thus scientists keep trying to find the new world. Really worrying is not the Earth we??

Well, good news emerged from the United States and Space Flight (NASA). Thesescientists have discovered an alien planet 219 return. More menggembirakannyamore, 10 of the hundreds of planets like Earth-sized so that it will be considered asa livable planet. Tenth planet is found through analysis of data space telescope Kepler observations since the years 2009 to 2013.

A space telescope that has been carefully supervised in the neighborhood of about 145,000 stars and trying to reveal the new world around him.
Susan Thompson, who works at the SETI Institute say they are trying to determine how the same planets like Earth, to know there are other places to live on earth that we can call home.

However, that all the planets that were discovered there in a distance of hundreds to thousands of light years from Earth. While one light-year equivalent to 46 x 9 ' 10 (12) km. So we can imagine, human beings need a very long time to arrive at the planet.

Habitable planet earlier amounted to 49, with the discovery of the new world muncalnya that is similar to the Earth, it is worth it, because history has added to the number of similar Earth and planet livable.

Whether humans can live on that planet?

Thompson revealed that still need for confirmation. Preached Science Alert, June 20, 2017, Thompson said still need confirmation. The characteristics of the planetwho deserves to be the place of residence is generally only be in a fitting, so there is a possibility of water in liquid form. However, it seems not enough, other characteristics that need to be noticed is plate tectonics and whether the planet is locked in its orbit. So far the researchers have not yet planned any further clarity regardingthe discovery of 10 planets similar to Earth.
