Eating chocolate |
Eating chocolate can improve brain performance,Improve the performance of the brain, generally done by reading. However, if you want increased brain performance can do this simple way, that is eating chocolate or chocolate nyemil. A number of studies conducted in Italy, chocolate snack that can improve memory performance, thus decreasing senility. Likewise according to Valentina Socci disclosed in the journal
Frontiers in Nutrition, if eating chocolate on a regular basis
associated with improved memory performance and visual information
process.Why eating chocolate can improve brain performance?Chocolate and its chemical compounds can help brain performance, a few years earlier chocolate has a tarapeutic effect. But about the benefits of chocolate is only done with a little controlled experiments. To overcome this Soci with his friend to test the effect of chocolate
content is a compound flavonoids on brain activity in a long time.In
his experiments conducted several experiments on people, to consume
chocolate in low, medium quantities, in various variants of chocolate,
in the form of stems or drink chocolate. The duration of this study took place within five days to three months. Socci revealed the results of his research, after consuming flavonoids
increased performance of working memory and processing of visual
information better.In
addition, consuming flavonoids for the elderly is very good, because it
increases attention, mental processing, working memory, and verbal
smoothness, especially those who start senile. Whereas if a person is healthy, flavonoids can improve normal
cognitive function and play a role in protecting cognitive performance.Although useful, do not forget the side effects if carelessly eat chocolate. For example the amount of calories converted into milk chocolate, sugar levels and caffeine effects.