6 The Most Strange Natural Phenomena that ever happened in the world,In this modern era there are many strange events, one of which is the natural phenomenon. Society and scientists are amazed by the strange phenomena. Immediately see the natural phenomena that occur in the world.

1. Snow Donut
Often seen donut cake is not normal ?? Well this one is a strange phenomenon about snow that resembles donuts, this formation occurs naturally and not from man-made. This phenomenon usually appears in hilly areas, when the soil is covered in ice and wet snow. The height can reach more than 60 centimeters.

Snow Donut
Snow Donut
2. Columnar basalt
Who the hell who is not fascinated with this form of stone arrangement. The formation of this rock occurs due to frozen and fractured profit flows in the direction perpendicular to the origin of the flow. This natural phenomenon can be found in the United States, Ireland to Indonesia. Well for KDI Indonesia you can see the Basal blocks scattered on Mount Padang, West Java.
2. Columnar basalt
Columnar basalt
3. Light pole
In addition to the basalt, there are also light pole phenomena or 'light poles'. Usually these colorful columns appear when the night is very cold with temperatures below 20 degrees celsius. This cool phenomenon can only happen when the wind is not too fast and there are many small ice crystals in the atmosphere.
Light pole
Light pole

4. Frozen flowers
This one flower is made up of ice particles that accumulate at the bottom of a particular plant or wood. Its 'petals' arise when the temperatures on the outside and inside of the plant differ greatly. Due to this temperature difference, the water inside the plant appears to the surface and instantly freezes exposed to the outside air.
Frozen flowers
Frozen flowers
5. Bioluminescence

  The phenomenon of a fluorescent living thing is called bioluminescence. On the beach, mysterious and beautiful rays will appear when small organisms in the water get interrupted. The 'distractions' can vary, including when you put your foot into the water where they live.


 6. Supercells
Fortunately aja phenomenon this one including a unique phenomenon that rarely happens. Supercells, in addition to their scary form, are also the most dangerous types of storms. Sometimes he appears in the form of a vortex, similar to a plate, or a large roll in the sky.
This storm is most common in the central United States and is often mistaken for UFO sightings when it appears in the form of a large disk
